CITE vehicles allow the Trooper to better observe distracted driving violations. These vehicles blend in with every day traffic, but are unmistakable as emergency vehicles once the emergency lighting is activated. The Have a Plan app can help from the Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee and the NYS STOP-DWI Foundation allows you to designate a driver, call a cab or ride share, and to review the consequences of impaired driving. The app is available for Apple, Android, and Windows smartphones. It’s necessary because if you’re not in recovery, you can’t be the best version of yourself. By having a plan and sticking to it, you’ll be putting your recovery first.

  • While some people experience an uptick in social engagements around the holidays, others may feel especially isolated.
  • Often, we feel the consequences once the merriment subsides, and swear we’ll do things differently next year—but it’s harder than we expect.
  • Some people drink or use drugs when they’re lonely or sad.

So why put yourself in the position of having to «power through» an obstacle course of relapse triggers? Speak with a sober friend or sponsor about the emotions and expectations you have wrapped up in the holidays—especially if you feel resentful, or if you replay in your mind old childhood experiences and memories. You need to investigate and challenge the internal monologue about what you are owed and what you are lacking—some of which might be a carryover from addiction.

Create a Plan

Everyone is running on empty, and the annual fight is just waiting to happen. This helpline is a free resource at no cost to the caller. We are here to provide assistance in locating an Ark Behavioral Health treatment center that may meet your treatment needs. We do not receive any compensation or commission for referrals to other treatment facilities.

Stress can be a big trigger for relapse, and the holidays can be stressful enough without committing to every event you are invited to. It is okay to say no or to skip a few commitments if it means putting your recovery first and staying sober during the holidays. If you do decide to attend a holiday event where you suspect there may be triggers, it is important to plan ahead. There may be a community in your neighborhood that is celebrating without alcohol. You can check out different groups on or you can search for sober meetup groups. You can also celebrate with mutual support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous.

Catch Recovery Sober Holidays

Before your holiday schedule becomes packed with parties, get-togethers, family dinners, and more, commit to getting regular sleep. Many people have activities or interests that help keep them sober holidays balanced. During times of stress, it can be helpful to embrace them. Ignoring triggers leaves you more susceptible to their influence in recovery, and allows them to maintain power over you.

  • Try some of these festive holiday activities that don’t involve alcohol.
  • Expectations set the stage for our feelings of entitlement.
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